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How to play sounds?

Allows players to play sounds sounds. Every second of sound duration cost 250$.

!!!Doesn''t work when GunGame is on!!!

//Type in console. To open it push ~ button.
vc - to see a list of valid sounds with prices for playing them
vc - to play the sound u want (where is the name of sound)
bind b vc bind a sound to a keyboard button, now when in game u press b u will hear the sound (where b could be any keyboard button and the name of sound u want)

Example: U want to play sound "haha".
Type in console (~) vc haha.

Example: U want to play sound "haha" when u press "b"; button on the keyboard.
Type in console bind b "vc haha". Now when in game u press "b" u play the sound.

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